Darrin McComas |

Welcome to May

Can you believe summer is just a little over one month away?  For us here in the Pacific Northwest, it has been one of the coldest, wettest

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Darrin McComas |

Spring is here! And Easter weekend is only a few days away! We hope you have big plans of spending the day with your family and friends, and celebrating the

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Darrin McComas |

It's Already March!  March. Here we are already. Despite the sadness in the world today and the craziness of the markets, Shon and I are very excited about the

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Darrin McComas |

Volatile Times

Wow!  What a roller coaster of a month January was from a market perspective.  The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite posted their worst months

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Darrin McComas |

Happy January!

We hope you had a blessed holiday season and are enjoying this season of life. While 2021 was a difficult year as we all dealt with the pandemic

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